Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Useful Reading Links


Useful links

Terra Nova

In this collaborative weblog, researchers and game designers come together to explore computer-generated, persistent, immersive, and representational social platforms." This is the best single resource for students of virtual worlds.

The Daedalus Gateway

This site is a user-friendly gateway to Nick Yee's extensive research findings on the dynamics of virtual worlds.

MUD-DEV-L Archive

MUD-DEV-L is a mailing list devoted to the design and implementation of multiplayer games on all types of computer platforms. This high-traffic list is populated by scores of professional game developers. Topics range from the highly technical to the purely sociological.

Buzz Cut

Maintained by David Thomas, Buzz Cut is a hybrid of a web log and an information portal. In the words of its creator, it is devoted to "the theory and criticism of electronic entertainment."

Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA)

The Digital Games Research Association is an international association of scholars and game developers

Gama Sutra

For the past six years, Gama Sutra has been essential reading for game developers. The site includes articles about designing games, interviews with industry figures, discussion forums, job announcements, and a gallery of student work.

Game Girl Advance

Founded by Jane Pinckard, Game Girl Advance "brings alternative perspectives to videogame culture. We want to analyze various aspects of gaming but also we want to put it into context, into the larger arena of modern pop culture. We're interested in what makes games fun, what makes games interesting, what we can learn from games, and what forces convert perfectly normal people into rabid gamers. We're also interested in music, film, and fashion. And girls. We love girls."

Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research

Game Studies is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal devoted to the "aesthetic, cultural, and communicative aspects of computer games."

International Game Developers Association (IGDA)
Bringing together developers, designers, and scholars, the IGDA is the premiere non-profit professional association for people interested in games. They have recently announced a scholarship program providing full-access passes to college students who want to attend the Game Developers Conference in March 2004. The deadline for applications is January 28th.
Ludology.Org - Videogame Theory
Ludology.Org is a game-themed blog/portal maintained by Gonzalo Frasca.
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies

The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies (RCCS) nurtures the emerging field of 

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